• We deliver products with the help of third party , delivery partners.
  • We mostly ship products within 3 working days of order date but some may get delayed due to unseen circumstances.
  • However, if your order is delayed beyond a week of the estimated delivery time, we will coordinate with the shipment partner and get in touch with you with the latest update.
  • The third-party agent will contact you before attempting delivery. If you are unavailable to accept the order on the first try, suggest the time and date of availability. The delivery agent will make a second try to deliver your order at your preferred time. The package will be returned to our courier partner warehouse if it is undelivered after the second attempt. Connect with our customer care team for further information. NOTE: We request that you be present to receive your COD order.
  • If the third-party delivery partner tries to deliver a damaged, opened, soiled, or tampered package, DO NOT ACCEPT it. However, we urge you to click a picture of the package and report it to our grievance team as soon as possible.
  • Reporting Missing Piece: You must produce a Package OPENING VIDEO to our team to report missing or defective items. We may reject the request if the terms are not fulfilled. Therefore, we urge you to Shoot a Package Opening Video every time we deliver an order to you.
  • We make sure to deliver right products in right packages but still any mishappening /fault /mistake happens in delivery, we will contact with delivery partner after getting request from customer side and look in to the matter. But we won’t be responsible for any undoing of third-party delivery agents.